Why Is There Such Beautiful Fall Color in Michigan?
Michigan, a state of rolling hills and deciduous forests, is a wonderful place to be in early fall. Do you know why our trees put on such a brilliant show this time of year? Trees use sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar to feed the tree in a process called photosynthesis. But… more
Do Trees Talk To Each Other?
Do trees talk to each other? For some people, even nature lovers, the idea is ludicrous, but recent results of certain scientific studies are changing the way researchers view plant communication. The idea that trees communicate with each other was explored decades ago, but the methodology of the first studies was strongly criticized and this… more
How To Repair Damaged Trees In Kent County After A Tornado
On the night of July 7, 2014, an EF1-rated tornado blew through Kent County, leaving in its wake a significant amount of damaged trees and tree downage. It touched down near 64th Street and Burlingame Avenue, and was on the ground for 10 minutes and 6.25 miles. Fortunately, there were no deaths, but many homes and… more
How Much Water Does a Young Tree Need?
If you were one of the homeowners or tree enthusiasts who planted a tree this spring, you might be wondering now, in July, how much water that tree will need to make it through the hottest part of the annual cycle. Just how much water does a young tree need? Fortunately, drought is pretty rare in… more
Maple Tree Seeds: Everything You Need To Know
Every year, the return of spring is a welcome change from winter. After months full of snow, slushy sidewalks, slick roads, and cold weather, the warmer temperatures, sunshine, and all the color returning to nature is so wonderful it almost makes you feel like throwing a party! Well, as we slip into late spring and… more